Its very nice, and there i watched a ballet. I dont remember the name, and i dont know what it was about but it was VERY cool. An experience. Tuesday i went out to lunch with the other americans here, we had some pizza and got lost. Wednesday i dont remember what happened... I believe i had lunch with Grace on tuesday and on thursday i had lunch with her too. On friday, noone went to school becasue the students had a strike! It was against a new education lady becasue she was trying to change the elementry school, and alot of students didnt like that so me, grace and kylee all went down with a HUGE group of people
thats about half the people. we marched around milan, but the three of us got tired of all the smoke (the italians here smoke like chimmneys!) we we bailed out about an hour in and went to kylees house to eat lunch and watch a movie. That night i went to graces for dinner and returned home very, very tired.
Saturday at school was extra extra boring, and that night i had a sleepover at my host dads hosue with some other americans. We made salsa, burritos, cheesecake and chocolate chip cookies. We chilled on the roof for a little and had a ton of fun. For breakfast we had some crepes with NUTELLA and strawberrys! You people need to try and eat nutella!. It was really good, and i have pictures on my facebook. on sunday i went shopping with kylee and john and bought some really great clothes.
Im trying really hard to update more often!
Milans really been great so far, and i can kidna communicate in italian. Not alot. But i can and i feel like im getting better, little by little. Though i cant really speak english too well anymore! I keep forgetting words!
I start having italian classes tomorrow too so that should really help with learning grammer and more vocabulary.
ciao everybody!
a dopo.... forse domani o mercoledì.
lattterrr. maybe tomorrow or wednesday (that was a translation for all you non-italian speakers. which i believe is almost all of you. but i dont think there are that many yous....)
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