I arrived in Milano 3 days ago, and so far everything has been meraviglioso! (wonderful). 
(my italian house is on the corner)
(my italian house is on the corner)
The plane ride was long, and the layovers were lonely, but i did arrive safely and very tired to milan tuesday night. Both of my bags made it (i didnt think they would, seeing as i had two nine hour layovers! I thought they would get lost!) And my host family greeted me with a belissimo sign that said "welcome Jody!". It was wonderful! My first day here was quite hectic. We applied for my residency permit, which took several hours, and then we went to my host fathers house for me to see what it looks like. I was very tired! My second day was much more relaxed. I played some cards with my host sisters, and we walked to a street called Corso Buenos Aires. It is very busy there, but very intersting. I tried something very intersting... Melon with Prochutto(ham)! The food here is molto bene! I think today i ate the best pasta i have ever eaten in my whole life :). But back to yesterday night, when my family and i went out to dinner with my rotary counseler at a jappanese restaurant. He is very nice! I ate Gelato di Rizo (Rice gelato. It was so good!) 
(at dinner)
Today my host mother had to go on a buisness trip to venezia. So she got a babysitter to take me and my host sisters around to milano (my sisters are 8 e 11). We walked around, to the park in Porta Venezia(at dinner)
(in the park)
We ate some gelato (i had taramisu gelato.... mmmmmmm....) and went to the center of the city. 
(see the duomo)
The streets here are so bella! Around every corner there is a suprise, a statue, and just the streets themselves are just amazing. Well we went to the Duomo by foot, and it was AMAZING!

(the front of the duomo. it was like, 50 million times bigger :) )
This icture des it no justice! It was so grand and magnificent.... I also saw the galleria, which is the oldest shopping mall in the world. I turned three times in the eye of a bull or something. It was funny :)(the front of the galleria)
We then also saw the scalla, and went home on the subway. It was kind of smelly :)(with my italian sisters)
It is beautiful here and the food is so good... I am learning so much of the language. I have been here for only 3 days and i can actually sometimes but not very often follow a conversation. My host sisters are wonderful, and they are so much fun. Ciao for now, and i do miss everyone at home! ciao!
2 commenti:
It sure looks like you are having a great time. Be sure to learn some good recipies so you can cook them when you get back! Italy looks nice. Stay warm!
hey jody!
it's lydia.
i'm so jealous. i faxed a copy of my visa to my travel agent (sabrina. do you have the same onne?" like, a week ago and i still haven't heard anything about the tickets!
milan sounds so great!
also, i have a blog too.
my name was already taken so i couldn't do the "lydiasinitaly.blogspot.com" thing i wanted to.
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