This one is just to prove that there are some sunny days here, though they are all cold and the sun doesn't warm you. Plus pretty picture of the Castello! This is during the day, without the lights lit.

Here's the castello with all the Christmas lights! It was hard to get a picture with all the lights on at once because they played Christmas music and the lights would flash in tune with the music. Flash, fade, and do all sorts of cool things. The two smaller towers on the sides would actually change colors, but I didn't get a picture of those.

All over Milan they've been putting up these Christmas lights (not exactly like these, different shapes and designs) and at first, in November, I was quite confused as to why they were hanging these random things all over Milan. But when they lit them up towards the beginning of December, it really felt like christmas! I'm sad that they are all down.... this picture is of some of my favorites of all the lights that I saw. And it wasnt just in Milan-these kinds of lights were put up all around italy.

Asides from that one, heres some more that weren't half bad:

There was this one tram that was covered in lights! it was quite a site to behold. I think there was only one, but it still ran the regular routes and such. It was just more spectacular than all the others.

That's a closer up of inside the galleria. And that there in the middle is the symbol/flag of Milan.

And on Christmas I went to some of my host family's relatives and we all ate lunch together.

Bacci di Milano e Buon natale a tutti!
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